“I’m behind on my bills. I feel stuck. What do I do to get caught up?”
This is perhaps the most common question I experience during our live teaching events.
While the best answer for each family may vary, here are some of the most common ways to get UNSTUCK and gain financial margin:
- Sell something What do you have that is worth $1,500 that would allow you to get caught up immediately? Put it on Craig’s List and generate cash to change your financial life!
- Work an extra job Not fun, but this is not a “forever” option. Set a goal to produce an extra $2,000 within the next couple of months with a holiday type of job.
- Establish a budget Without a plan, there will be no profit (Proverbs 21:5). Prepare a written budget for the month of December and make every dollar SCREAM!
- Go on a financial fast Eliminate a monthly expense like Internet, cable, or Netflix. Perhaps you could eliminate dining out for one month.
- Eliminate a debt If you have two cars, sell one! Eliminate the debt payment AND reduce your debt big-time. This might present some logistical challenges, but it sure helps speed up financial freedom!
Have you ever taken one of these steps? Please share your experience with us in the comments!